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Rising sea levels, flooding, intense droughts, wildfires, devastating storms, and other climate change related phenomena have caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and hundreds of billions of dollars of economic damage to urban and rural areas alike. The current consensus points to a minimum of 2° C (and perhaps 3° C) average temperature rise above pre-industrial levels by 2030, leading to potentially more than one billion people becoming climate migrants.      

What can economic and demographic centers do to prepare and adapt? What are the opportunities to restructure portfolios and build new assets for the future?   

Screenshot 2020-09-25 at 10.10.02 AM.png is a comprehensive toolkit that forecasts the geographies that are best prepared as climate change and other disruptions intensify. It supports land owners, property developers, and the real estate industry, as well as national, state, and municipal authorities, to identify the most resilient locations for building the residential and commercial assets of the future. Existing land price prediction models are limited in scope and utility, focusing retrospectively and punitively on individual variables such as sea level rise or flooding, suggesting which places people will leave, but not where they will or should go. By contrast, Climate Oases is future oriented, captures the impact of a wide range of variables, and identifies specific geographies where land prices will likely appreciate, thus providing asset managers, real estate investors, and property owners with forward guidance on which locations present the most robust investment opportunities.


Based on an analysis of climate change forecasts and government policies, FutureMap has identified more than three dozen “climate oases” around the world that have the potential to upgrade their infrastructure, diversify their economies, and proactively draw in new investment and residents. We have also developed a comprehensive toolkit of climate resilience strategies to support public and private sector efforts at the municipal, provincial, and national levels. After modelling and testing key variables over multiple timescales, we provide tailored guidance on developing new industries and attracting talent. With our extensive experience advising governments and smart cities in some of the world’s fastest growing and rapidly modernizing countries, FutureMap is at the cutting edge of designing the climate oases of the future. 

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